Next Saturday 22/11, Soul Apart will be appearing in the cycle " A.N.P.E.I. " Together with the recognized ones :Jezabel, Warbreed and Climatic Terra, anticipating what will be the festival of the radioshow on Friday, the 12th of dic.en the Pueyrredón Theatre.
Thank you very much...
Friday, 21 November 2008
Soul Apart on "Leones sin jaula"
Last Sunday, the 16th of November, Soul Apart appeared in the program "Leones sin jaula " (led by Gloria Carbone) .There the band was telling about the details of the future dates and of the imminent launch of their cd.
Then played a brief acoustic set.
1-The always and forever
2-Road to self
3-Southwest tango
Thank you very much " Lions without cage "!!!
Then played a brief acoustic set.
1-The always and forever
2-Road to self
3-Southwest tango
Thank you very much " Lions without cage "!!!
Soul Apart on "Ater Anima radio show"
Last Friday, the 14th of November, the band appeared in the cycle "Ater Anima", led by Héctor Márzano.
There it was commented it brings over of the concept, the present and the future of the same one.
Thank you very much "Ater Anima"
There it was commented it brings over of the concept, the present and the future of the same one.
Thank you very much "Ater Anima"
Friday, 14 November 2008
Soul Apart Unplugged "Ater Anima" 14/11 11PM.---"Leones sin Jaula" 16/11 6PM.
Tuesday, 11 November 2008
Soul Apart on A.N.P.E.I. FEST!!!
Thursday, 6 November 2008
Soul Apart on "Cae la noche Fest+party"!!!!

Soul Apart will be presenting next December 7 20hs on the Lounge Pueyrredón in the frame of " CAE LA NOCHE THE NIGHT FEST+PARTY " together with Chrisallys and Devil 69. Then there will be appearing different dj's like Dj Hadrian (Gothic BA), Dj Krishna and Dj Green. Also the event will have a sector dedicated exclusively to stands.
Thursday, 30 October 2008
Suspension of acoustic cycle!!!!
For factors foreign to the band, the two next acoustic presentations of Soul Apart in the gallery of art Raval 08001, remained suspended up to new notice.
Apollogiese for the inconveniences.
Apollogiese for the inconveniences.
Soul Apart in "Mi secreto me condena"
Last October 25, the band appeared in in the cycle " Mi secreto me condena " led for Agata and that emits every saturday 15hs. For " Heavy metal radio ".
The band interpreted two acoustic songs beside presenting as exclusive advance the definitive version of two tracks belonging to the debut album.
1-Road to self
2-Rose of the swamp
Thank you " Mi secreto me condena".
The band interpreted two acoustic songs beside presenting as exclusive advance the definitive version of two tracks belonging to the debut album.
1-Road to self
2-Rose of the swamp
Thank you " Mi secreto me condena".
Wednesday, 22 October 2008
Soul Apart unplugged on "Mi secreto me condena radio" October 25th 3pm
Monday, 13 October 2008
Soul Apart in Raval 08001 -second show-
Soul Apart appeared last October 4 in the frame of the second date of the acoustic cycle that fulfils in the gallery of art Raval 08001.
In this one occasion appeared in format of trio.
1-The tree steps of circle(the disguised words fragment)
2-The always and forever
4-Southwest tango
5-For the love of god(Steve Vai´s cover)
6-Road to self
7-Existencial fear
8-Second love(Pain of salvation´s cover)
9-Last minute bells
10-Rose of the swamp
Thanks Raval 08001.
In this one occasion appeared in format of trio.
1-The tree steps of circle(the disguised words fragment)
2-The always and forever
4-Southwest tango
5-For the love of god(Steve Vai´s cover)
6-Road to self
7-Existencial fear
8-Second love(Pain of salvation´s cover)
9-Last minute bells
10-Rose of the swamp
Thanks Raval 08001.
Soul Apart on October 4 Unplugged in Raval 08001-Bolívar 747-
Soul Apart On Raval

Last September 6th, Soul Apart gave beginning to the acoustic cycle in the Gallery of art Raval 08001 (cycle that will continue next October 4) .This date was Juan Paul Ordoñez's début as new guitarist of the band.

1-The always and forever
2-Existencial fear
4-Southwest tango
5-Tears in heaven(Eric Clapton cover)
6-Road to self
7-Last minute bells
8-Everybody hearts(R.E.M. cover)
9-Rose of the swamp

Thanks Raval.
Wednesday, 20 August 2008

Next Saturday, the 6th of September, Soul Apart will give beginning to an acoustic cycle that will consist of four dates in the recognized gallery of art " Raval 08001 " (Bolivar 747, Cap. Fed.) at 21:30. The tickets are of 8$ (YOU MUST RESERVE BY E-MAIL, at, at door they are of 10$.
Thank you very much.
Monday, 18 August 2008
J.Pablo Ordoñez new guitarist of Soul Apart!!!
Soul Apart in "Garlands"

Last July 11th Soul Apart was appeared in the mythical program "Garlands" led by Diego Moura (Phoenix 100.3 every Friday from 21:s.) There the band were interpreted an acoustic set beside reporting it brings over of the current importance of the same one, while there waits the edition of their cd. " Road to self ".
1-Road to self.
2-The always and forever.
3-Rose of the swamp.
Thank you very much "Garlands".
Monday, 7 July 2008
Soul Apart Unplugged on "Garlands" July 11th. 9pm.
Soul Apart on "Ater Anima"

Last June 27th, Soul Apart appeared in the famous show called "Ater Anima", led by Héctor Márzano (who was stay away for questions of health) and that is emitted by Fm Espacio 89.7, every Friday at 11pm.
The band was commenting about the musical and lyric concept of the same one (among other things), beside continuing with their recognized acoustic sets, that the same one comes developing for different programs of the kind,advancing the imminent album " Road to self ".
1-Road to self
2-Rose of the swamp
4-Existencial fear

Thank you very much "Ater Anima".
Thursday, 3 July 2008
Soul Apart on Hard Rock Radio Live(U.S.A.)!!!!

Last Thursday, the 26th of June, Soul Apart has been a participant of the cycle led by Dj Valkyrie that emits every Thursday for Hard Rock Radio Live U.S.A., the track who puts on air was " While the rain cries ", advancing the cd." Road to self ".
Of this one way the band manages to be inserted in international media.
Thank you very much Dj Valkyrie and Hard Rock Radio Live!!!!!
Tuesday, 24 June 2008
Soul Apart Unplugged on "Ater Anima radio" June 27th 11pm.

Soul Apart will appear next Friday,June 27th , at 11 the prestigious radio show "Ater Anima", led by Héctor Marzano, who is emitted by Fm Espacio 89.7 (, every Friday, in the above mentioned schedule. The band will continue advancing material of their upcoming first cd, in acoustic form, beside commenting on all the details of the same one.
Friday, 20 June 2008
Soul Apart in "Leones sin jaula radio".
Last June 15th, Soul Apart appeared in the program " Leones sin jaula " led by Gloria Carbone, and that is emitted online every Sunday at 6pm. in the site .The band (that one presented in format of duo) fulfilled an acoustic set, continuing with their radial tour, promoting they first imminent album " Road to self ", and commenting over of the history of the band and their respective future.
1-Road to self/Ashes (Pain of salvation's cover)/Road to self
2-Rose of the swamp
Thanks "Leones sin jaula".
Soul Apart in "Cae la noche radio"

Soul Apart, finally, appeared in "Cae la noche radio" to celebrate the first anniversary of the same and like that to present officially the spot composed for the program. The song called " The enlighten hollow ", went out to the air for the first time last June 8 and it is possible to listen every Sunday at 8pm in Fm Class, station where the program is emitted...

The band was interviewed by Pablo Raimondi who "count" with Diego Moura's participation (from Garlands radio) and other famous guests of the scene who were passing for the show...
Then, to close, the group offered an acoustic set where also they interpreted the acoustic version of " The enlighten hollow "
1-Road to self
2-Rose of the swamp
3-The enlighten hollow

Thanks "Cae la noche".
Tuesday, 10 June 2008
Saturday, 7 June 2008
Tuesday, 27 May 2008
Soul Apart in "A.N.P.E.I."
Soul Apart appeared last May 17 in the program " A.N.P.E.I. " (" Though the hell weighs us ") that emits every saturday at 18PM by Radio Grafica station.
The band beside interpreting some songs in an acoustic way,was commenting about the present and immediate future (near edition of their doubt album " Road to self ", the participation in the Astor Piazzolla tribute, immediate premiere of the curtain for " Cae la noche Radio", future dates, etc.)
1-Road to self
2-Rose of the swamp
3-Existencial fear
Soon the set and the interview will be available.
Thank you very much A.N.P.E.I.
Friday, 23 May 2008
Guido Lisioli in "Cae la noche Radio"

After having appeared in the program A.N.P.E.I.on past May 17th where the group have played an acoustic set (soon there will be images of the above mentioned date); Guido Lisioli was invited to the program " Cae la noche " led by Pablo Raimondi, to comment the details of the curtain that has been composed specially for the cycle to having the premiere next June 8th,date in that the program celebrate the first year of life.For this occasion the band will be playing an acoustic set whose set list will include not only the acoustic version of the already mentioned curtain as this way also songs of their first album, close to be edited.

Tuesday, 13 May 2008
Unplugged in "A.N.P.E.I." May 17th 18hs.(Radio Gráfica)
Tuesday, 6 May 2008
Soul Apart official band for open song of " Cae la noche radio"
Soul Apart has been confirmed as the official band to realize the curtain of the recognized program " Cae la noche", led by Pablo Raimondi to have the premiere next June 8 at 20:s., day in which the cycle celebrate his first year of life.
The above mentioned song is composed specially for the program and it will be the opening of the same one in the following months.
The band will present in the studies of Fm class 102.7, radio where the program is emitted from last Sunday after having formed a part of the of the Heavy metal Radio, for almost eleven months. More news to the briefness.
Tuesday, 22 April 2008
Soul Apart in Astor Piazzolla tribute!!!
Soul Apart will appear in a tribute to the great musician of tango Astor Piazzolla.This tribute,produced by Black Medusa Records,will be edited in Argentina and Japan,too.The following bands have been confirmed:
Christian Vidal:"Libertango"
Daniel Telis Project:"Fuga y misterio"
Carina Alfie:"Rain over Santiago"
Anublar Cetro:"Preludio para el año 3001"
Spartacus:"Años de soledad"
Magnos:"La primera palabra"
Chugo:"Verano porteño"
Khryse:"Adiós nonino"
Necropolis(Brasil):"La muerte del ángel"
Giltine´s Gintaras:"Oda íntima a Buenos Aires"
Ad Aeternus:"Chiquilín de bachín"
Vientos Locales:"Zita"
Pullsion:"La muralla China"
Gustavo Zabala ^metal for babies^:"Final"
Friday, 18 April 2008
First shows confirmed...
Tuesday, 15 April 2008
Thanks to "Cae la Noche"

Soul Apart wants to thanks at Pablo Raimondi of "Cae la Noche"( who finnished his recognized program of the last sunday(april 13th) with the first single of the band, "Road to self"."Cae la noche" is a famous radio program in Argentina of Heavy Metal Radio(
The band and this program are preparing a special surprise to the fans.
More news at brevity...
Tuesday, 8 April 2008
New e-mail address!!!
The band informs that have new e-mail address of their staff(add to the olders):
Band: (new)
Management: (new)
Press: (new)
If you want to contact the band or someone of their staff,please send your message to this e-mail address.Thank you.
Thursday, 27 March 2008
"Road to self" (promo)
This is the first single of the band.This song called "Road to self"(like the upcoming album)and it is the first song have already mixed.Enjoy it...
Road of the martyrs
The band presents like advance a pre-production of what will be their first album. In this one they marry small fragments of each one of the songs that will form a part of the same one, after what it was the doubt demo " Soul Apart " spread in 2007that has been received excellent critiques.
New e-mail adress:
Track by track

2-The always and forever: (music and lyrics: Guido Lisioli) From the opening of the song sentences that the limits of the band are infinite. With the first half of the song with Pink Floyd's reminiscences, where the honest lyrics and raw brand a constant trend to the distrust and his consistent sorrow,drift in the second powerful half where the power metal of Finnish cut becomes present.
3-Moonson: (music and lyrics: Guido Lisioli) A wonderful climatic song that transmits a lot of melancholy and describes an eternal errant and Bohemian trip.He possesses the participation of the singer Sonia Saravia as invited whose voice, with influences rock/blues, gives "a new color", not only to the band but to the kind in general
4-Southwest tango (Grey melodies): (music and lyrics: Guido Lisioli) One of the maximum experiments of the group when fuses the tango of the old guard with the new (Astor Piazolla) and passages of hard rock up to power metal. The verses refer to the traditional neighborhood where there was born the vocalist, cradle of the tango and of different artists, as well as also of great industrial activity up to coming to the decadent current situation in both fields.Here a guest of luxury takes charge of the piano: Aldo Saralegui, recognized tango musician around the world.
5-The tree steps of circle: (music and lyrics: Guido Lisioli) Without any doubts the creative peak of the digest. This song of thirteen minutes is divided intentionally in three parts(reports): first so called " The disguised words ", set of instruments with influences ambient and new age. The second, called " The announced end " where he passes for one of the darkest and heart-breaking album moments,when the vocalist recognizes " to have touched the bottom " With his depression. And finally the third report: " Fury resurrection " mixing progressive metal, power metal, death metal, atmospheric rock and up to Flemish with "airs" of rumba. Here the versatile vocalist realizes of having re-arisen from his mental well and to reaffirm it there uses an incredible variety of voices that go from the melodic thing up to voices death and black.But the central topic of the lyrics is to categorize a circular vision of the life, in consequen ce everything returns to be like initially
6-Existential fear: (music and lyrics: Guido Lisioli) Another song where the originality goes out afloat. In this occasion after a chilling intro the band gives free rein (once again) to their eclectic search on having supported these dark atmospheres fusing them with a traditional pace of the folklore of the north of the Argentina recognized like " cueca norteña " and up to some pinch of "zamba". The tenuous voice that describes a constant state of Insecurity and frustration meets altered by the powerful one " in crescendo " to derive in senses shouts...
7-While the rain cries: (music and lyrics: Guido Lisioli) The most epic song of the whole album, with memorable melodies of piano and guitar and an interesting vocal work, though also there is place for a rest of the strongest to emotional level. Undoubtedly some one of the topics that will catch immediately the more traditionbal fan of heavy metal.
8-Road to self: (music and lyrics: Guido Lisioli) Is the song that name gives to the first album of the prominent band. A beautiful ballad with vocal unforgettable melodies, which point to be the classic one in his heard first one. It possesses the participation of another guest of luxury: the extraordinary vocalist of metal, rock, pop and jazz Max Ditamo, in choirs.
9-Last minute bells: (music and lyrics: Guido Lisioli) Another impressive song. The darkest and depressive of the disc where there are described the moments previous to take the decision to commit suicide. A very strong song that manages to include the unique and indescribable climates, very in the vein of the current style of the Norwegian group Ulver. Surely we are in presence of an unforgettable song.
10-Rose of the swamp: (music and lyrics: Guido Lisioli) The end of the album with another most beautiful song which beginning with a felt introduction of piano immerses us squarely in classic other one to the instant.
In this one topic there can estimate clearly Gothic passages that derive in a refrain hardrocker, proved that ends up by resembling the wonderful German band,Lacrimosa . All that meets guaranteed by the honest letter where he comes near to question to the love as feeling in yes same, to end being rectified across a personal experience.
Soul of the aparted I

Guido Lisioli
-Age: 26 years
-Place of birth: Buenos Aires
-Instruments: vocals,piano,keybord,orchestral arragements,percusión.
-Studies: vocals and piano in the School of popular music of Avellaneda
-Influences: R. J. Dio, Andre Matos, Geoff Tate, Vintersorg, among others.
-Current bands: Soul Apart,Rainbird,Evilfire,G.Lisioli(folklore).
-Previous bands: Firewood,Virtud,Apeirón,Exhumación,Dirty Head, among others.
-Favorite bands metal: Kiss, Black Sabbath, Dio, Iron Maiden, Queensryche, Helloween, Dream Theater,Angra,Lacrimosa,Anathema,Vintersorg,entre so many other.
-Favorite bands in general: Rush, Queen, Pink Floyd, King Crimson, Dead Can Dance, Astor Piazzolla, Pat Metheny, Farías Gómez, Ennio Morricone, among so many other.
-Age: 26 years
-Place of birth: Buenos Aires
-Instruments: vocals,piano,keybord,orchestral arragements,percusión.
-Studies: vocals and piano in the School of popular music of Avellaneda
-Influences: R. J. Dio, Andre Matos, Geoff Tate, Vintersorg, among others.
-Current bands: Soul Apart,Rainbird,Evilfire,G.Lisioli(folklore).
-Previous bands: Firewood,Virtud,Apeirón,Exhumación,Dirty Head, among others.
-Favorite bands metal: Kiss, Black Sabbath, Dio, Iron Maiden, Queensryche, Helloween, Dream Theater,Angra,Lacrimosa,Anathema,Vintersorg,entre so many other.
-Favorite bands in general: Rush, Queen, Pink Floyd, King Crimson, Dead Can Dance, Astor Piazzolla, Pat Metheny, Farías Gómez, Ennio Morricone, among so many other.
Soul of the aparted II

Eduardo Fonseca
-Age: 23 years
-Place of birth: Province of Buenos Aires.
-Instrument: guitar acoustics and electric.
-Studies: guitar in the School of Popular music of Avellaneda
-Influences: Steve Vai, Joe Satriani, John Petrucci, Frank Zappa, among others.
-Current bands: Soul Apart,Mentes a mil, Duet Vieytes tango, Mammon.
-Previous bands: Los de la esquina, Marcopolo, Ars Nova, among others.
-Favorite bands metal: Deep Purple, Whitesnake, Van Halen, Metallica, Helloween, Dream Theater, Angra, among others.
-Favorite bands in general: The Beatles, Pink Floyd, Queen, Frank Zappa, Al di Meola, among so many
-Age: 23 years
-Place of birth: Province of Buenos Aires.
-Instrument: guitar acoustics and electric.
-Studies: guitar in the School of Popular music of Avellaneda
-Influences: Steve Vai, Joe Satriani, John Petrucci, Frank Zappa, among others.
-Current bands: Soul Apart,Mentes a mil, Duet Vieytes tango, Mammon.
-Previous bands: Los de la esquina, Marcopolo, Ars Nova, among others.
-Favorite bands metal: Deep Purple, Whitesnake, Van Halen, Metallica, Helloween, Dream Theater, Angra, among others.
-Favorite bands in general: The Beatles, Pink Floyd, Queen, Frank Zappa, Al di Meola, among so many
Soul of the aparted III

Rodrigo Goçalvez
-Age: 20 years
-Place of birth: San Miguel of Tucumán (Tucumán)
-Instrument: bass,acoustic guitar,winds,percussion.
-Influences: Jacco Pastorius, John Myung, Randy Coven, among others.
-Studies:Classical guitar and choirst in the Conservatory of music (Usuhaia, Land of the Fire), aerófonos in the School of Popular music of Avellaneda.
-Current bands: Soul Apart, Marian Farías Gómez, Duende Kichua, Carlos Rivero trio, R. Goçalvez project.
-Previous Bands: Roots. ..,Polivalente,Los Mandela, Mamaqcaña, among others.
-Favorite bands metal:Iron Maiden, Dream Theater,Angra,Lacrimosa,Nightwish,Dimmu Borgir, among so many other.
-Favorite bands in general: Pink Floyd, Pat Metheny,Inti-Illimani,Illapu,Tower of Power, Farías Gómez, among so many other.
-Age: 20 years
-Place of birth: San Miguel of Tucumán (Tucumán)
-Instrument: bass,acoustic guitar,winds,percussion.
-Influences: Jacco Pastorius, John Myung, Randy Coven, among others.
-Studies:Classical guitar and choirst in the Conservatory of music (Usuhaia, Land of the Fire), aerófonos in the School of Popular music of Avellaneda.
-Current bands: Soul Apart, Marian Farías Gómez, Duende Kichua, Carlos Rivero trio, R. Goçalvez project.
-Previous Bands: Roots. ..,Polivalente,Los Mandela, Mamaqcaña, among others.
-Favorite bands metal:Iron Maiden, Dream Theater,Angra,Lacrimosa,Nightwish,Dimmu Borgir, among so many other.
-Favorite bands in general: Pink Floyd, Pat Metheny,Inti-Illimani,Illapu,Tower of Power, Farías Gómez, among so many other.
Soul of the aparted IV

"Keky" González
-Age: 26 years
-Place of birth: Buenos Aires.
-Instrument: piano, keyboard. -Studies: private.
-Influences: John Lord, Mic Michaeli, Jens Johansson, Jordan Rudess, Rick Wright, among others.
-Current bands: Soul Apart, K. S. G.
-Previous bands: Firewood, Hechizera, Dinastía Real, among others.
-Favorite bands metal: Deep Purple, Iron Maiden,Whitesnake,Europe,Queensryche,Helloween,Dream Theater, Angra, among others.
-Favorite bands in general: Rush, Pink Floyd, King Crimson, Genesis, IQ, Emerson Lake and Palmer, among so many other.
-Age: 26 years
-Place of birth: Buenos Aires.
-Instrument: piano, keyboard. -Studies: private.
-Influences: John Lord, Mic Michaeli, Jens Johansson, Jordan Rudess, Rick Wright, among others.
-Current bands: Soul Apart, K. S. G.
-Previous bands: Firewood, Hechizera, Dinastía Real, among others.
-Favorite bands metal: Deep Purple, Iron Maiden,Whitesnake,Europe,Queensryche,Helloween,Dream Theater, Angra, among others.
-Favorite bands in general: Rush, Pink Floyd, King Crimson, Genesis, IQ, Emerson Lake and Palmer, among so many other.
Soul of the aparted V

Alejandro Moore
-Age: 26 years
-Place of birth: Lomas of Zamora (Prov. of Bs.As.)
-Instrument: drums, percussion.
-Studies: Percussion in the Conservatory of the Teatro Roma, percussion in the School of Popular music of Avelaneda.
-Influences: Ian Paice, Vinnie Paul, Terry Bozzio, Dave Weckl, among others.
-Current bands: Soul Apart, Duende Kichua, The Bs. As. Blues Band, Tamsurpike,En que sentido.
-Previous bands: Furia de masas, Intumayu, La juntada, among others.
-Favorite bands metal: Deep Purple,Metallica,Sepultura,Pantera,Angra,Fear Factory, among others.
-Favorite bands in general: Rush, Pat Metheny, Dave Weckl band, Chick Korea, Farías Gómez, Rubén Blades, among so many other.
-Age: 26 years
-Place of birth: Lomas of Zamora (Prov. of Bs.As.)
-Instrument: drums, percussion.
-Studies: Percussion in the Conservatory of the Teatro Roma, percussion in the School of Popular music of Avelaneda.
-Influences: Ian Paice, Vinnie Paul, Terry Bozzio, Dave Weckl, among others.
-Current bands: Soul Apart, Duende Kichua, The Bs. As. Blues Band, Tamsurpike,En que sentido.
-Previous bands: Furia de masas, Intumayu, La juntada, among others.
-Favorite bands metal: Deep Purple,Metallica,Sepultura,Pantera,Angra,Fear Factory, among others.
-Favorite bands in general: Rush, Pat Metheny, Dave Weckl band, Chick Korea, Farías Gómez, Rubén Blades, among so many other.
The concept

SOUL APART is a band whose musical limits are infinities. Leaving in clear that the central axis is the metal; from there the band fuses with different musical styles of popular kind of the entire world, always standing out passages and melancholy and introspective climates. The name of the band has a double meaning: the first one refers to the way in which they are written and they interpret the lyrics where the author "removes" his soul of inside, he sets apart it of his body so that he speak with absolute uprightness. The second, narrowly connected with the first one, he refers to as the author he is seen and composer inside the company whose system they generate their depressive state of spirit. Surely this cuts of the concept be the one that identify the fans that have these feelings of anguish by personal experiences, exclusion by having other opposite ideological values to the hegemónics and frustration by trying to be inserted to survive economically in a system that detests. It is so the composer undertakes a trip to the fund of his soul to channel his depressions and to transform into music.Another aspect that wants to be reflected is their character of melancholy bohemian, a traveler that travels through many lands, many cultures but persists their vision on the world consequently their state of spirit and their subsequent appreciations on the life, inside this cultural and economic empire. And here it is where the inclusion of other popular styles of different parts of the world takes a greater meaning (to the margin of the musical challenge). This without any doubt will do that followers of all parts of the world sit down attracted and identifying with the personnel and innovative band. Without any doubt the demand and the bet of the band is very large since we are before something completely new in the world of the metal, although they can be cited an extensive spectrum of bands as influence that go from Iron Maiden or Angra to Lacrimosa or Anathema passing for Vintersorg, Empyrium or Ulver. But the end of the so much band in the present as to future is to be able to cover different currents of the metal with subtle popular rhythms,intelligently fused. Although it would be unjust not to emphasize some very heterogeneous influences outside of the metal as Pink Floyd, Dead Can Dance, Rush, Astor Piazzolla, Pat Metheny, Farías Gómez, King Crimson, IQ, among so many other. The objectives are clear: to be able to conquer the international market to be able not only to give him a fresh air to the metal (since without any doubt this disk début "Road to self", represents this sensation) but also to position to the scene Argentina in the remainder of the world of the metal. the home of pain

I have here a brief but forceful and illuminating reviews of the band.Surely there will be news to the brevity.
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