Welcome to our blog.This will be the middle of information about the activities, plans, dates, etc. of Soul Apart. Above all we begin doing a brief outline of the history of the group. Soul Apart was born at the end of the 2004 when the singer, keybordist and composer Guido Lisioli begins to compose its first songs for this new project oriented in the first instance toward a facet but acoustics and instrospective of what came developing at that time in the band Firewood of which formed part, band that was centered in the heavy/power with progressive elements.Already entered the 2005 Guido calls to the keybordist "Keky" González(ex-Firewood,ex-Dinastía Real and former-Hechizera) and to the guitarist "Edu" Fonseca (Mentes a mil, Mammon, Duo Vieytes tango, former-Ars Nova, among so many other). While Guido goes veered a little its original facet, since in its new compositions begins to utilize various own elements of the metal with different popular rhythms of the world, enters to the band the talented one instrumentist Rodrigo Goçalvez (Marian Farías Gómez, El duende Kichua, Carlos Rivero Trio, former-Polyvalente, and a without end but), in this case being taking charge chiefly of the under.This fact without any doubt would mark to Group: to mix different sides of the metal with popular music of the entire world but maintaining always the initial dark and melancholy concept. While the band could not find the person indicated to be take charge of the rhythmic part and percusive of the same one, Guido decides to give beginning to the recording of a demo at the end of the 2006, but then was considered firmly to abandon this plan to lead to the recording an album.And is so during the 2007 the band was dedicated to record this album called "Road to self".Aside from finishing with the long search of the position of drummer/percussionist. Said placed would be occupied by Alejandro Moore (Duende Kichua, Tamsurpike, The Bs. Ace. Blues Band, former-Fury of Masas,etc.). Finally in September of the current year was finished to record the expected "Road to self", while the band plans different dates to diffuse the flaming album.
I have here a brief but forceful and illuminating reviews of the band.Surely there will be news to the brevity.
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