2-The always and forever: (music and lyrics: Guido Lisioli) From the opening of the song sentences that the limits of the band are infinite. With the first half of the song with Pink Floyd's reminiscences, where the honest lyrics and raw brand a constant trend to the distrust and his consistent sorrow,drift in the second powerful half where the power metal of Finnish cut becomes present.
3-Moonson: (music and lyrics: Guido Lisioli) A wonderful climatic song that transmits a lot of melancholy and describes an eternal errant and Bohemian trip.He possesses the participation of the singer Sonia Saravia as invited whose voice, with influences rock/blues, gives "a new color", not only to the band but to the kind in general
4-Southwest tango (Grey melodies): (music and lyrics: Guido Lisioli) One of the maximum experiments of the group when fuses the tango of the old guard with the new (Astor Piazolla) and passages of hard rock up to power metal. The verses refer to the traditional neighborhood where there was born the vocalist, cradle of the tango and of different artists, as well as also of great industrial activity up to coming to the decadent current situation in both fields.Here a guest of luxury takes charge of the piano: Aldo Saralegui, recognized tango musician around the world.
5-The tree steps of circle: (music and lyrics: Guido Lisioli) Without any doubts the creative peak of the digest. This song of thirteen minutes is divided intentionally in three parts(reports): first so called " The disguised words ", set of instruments with influences ambient and new age. The second, called " The announced end " where he passes for one of the darkest and heart-breaking album moments,when the vocalist recognizes " to have touched the bottom " With his depression. And finally the third report: " Fury resurrection " mixing progressive metal, power metal, death metal, atmospheric rock and up to Flemish with "airs" of rumba. Here the versatile vocalist realizes of having re-arisen from his mental well and to reaffirm it there uses an incredible variety of voices that go from the melodic thing up to voices death and black.But the central topic of the lyrics is to categorize a circular vision of the life, in consequen ce everything returns to be like initially
6-Existential fear: (music and lyrics: Guido Lisioli) Another song where the originality goes out afloat. In this occasion after a chilling intro the band gives free rein (once again) to their eclectic search on having supported these dark atmospheres fusing them with a traditional pace of the folklore of the north of the Argentina recognized like " cueca norteña " and up to some pinch of "zamba". The tenuous voice that describes a constant state of Insecurity and frustration meets altered by the powerful one " in crescendo " to derive in senses shouts...
7-While the rain cries: (music and lyrics: Guido Lisioli) The most epic song of the whole album, with memorable melodies of piano and guitar and an interesting vocal work, though also there is place for a rest of the strongest to emotional level. Undoubtedly some one of the topics that will catch immediately the more traditionbal fan of heavy metal.
8-Road to self: (music and lyrics: Guido Lisioli) Is the song that name gives to the first album of the prominent band. A beautiful ballad with vocal unforgettable melodies, which point to be the classic one in his heard first one. It possesses the participation of another guest of luxury: the extraordinary vocalist of metal, rock, pop and jazz Max Ditamo, in choirs.
9-Last minute bells: (music and lyrics: Guido Lisioli) Another impressive song. The darkest and depressive of the disc where there are described the moments previous to take the decision to commit suicide. A very strong song that manages to include the unique and indescribable climates, very in the vein of the current style of the Norwegian group Ulver. Surely we are in presence of an unforgettable song.
10-Rose of the swamp: (music and lyrics: Guido Lisioli) The end of the album with another most beautiful song which beginning with a felt introduction of piano immerses us squarely in classic other one to the instant.
In this one topic there can estimate clearly Gothic passages that derive in a refrain hardrocker, proved that ends up by resembling the wonderful German band,Lacrimosa . All that meets guaranteed by the honest letter where he comes near to question to the love as feeling in yes same, to end being rectified across a personal experience.
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